


1920 Tanner Wynd NW
Edmonton AB T6R2S55

GST Registration # 879760023 RT0001
etransfer to: [email protected]

Invoice Number INV- WS-0141
Invoice Date February 6, 2024
Total Due $162.23
Restoring Balance Consulting

3963 Bear street

Maintenance invoice for Restoring Balance Consulting webstie for updates to wordpress, plugins, backup and licenses. Billed at $34 per month for 3 months February 1 April 30th 2024. Added Febraury 20th 1/2 hr for pdf updates to events as well as products for date changes to Fredricton.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
3 monthly maintenance
.5 Updates to site $105.000.00%$52.50
Sub Total $154.50
Tax $7.73
Total Due $162.23

For etransfers please send to [email protected] - auto deposit enabled.