Creating a Blog Post for Web Design

Creating a Blog Post for Web Design

Web design is fun, blogging has become not so much. Especially when everything feels so unnaturally directed by the algorithm. It has become a chore to fit everything I want in and still stick to the rules. It’s necessary for organic SEO so let’s see if I can make it work. Usually, I will come up with titles and let GPT take the lead. I’m going to change up the approach we have been using on our blog posts. AI is great and it makes writing the posts a LOT more enjoyable considering I would rather be doing almost anything else, but It’s like the Nickelback of content, it was cool at the time(yes I am that old), but now I’m sick of it and it all just sounds the same.  As much as I am creating more work for myself, I am going to try to make a conscious effort to write these out manually going forward and still somehow try to follow the SEO rules.

There are a million posts that will tell you the best practices for blogging for your business and how to get the best SEO results. The bottom line will always be to make a list with headings and load it up with the keywords you want for example:

Why We Are the Best Web Design Company in Edmonton: 10 Reasons to Choose Web Secured for Your Next Project

1. Web Design

Firstly we design user-friendly professional websites. Every design is UX-centric.

2. Web Development:

Secondly, coding is fun. You can use it to make your website do cool things.

3. Web Security:

Thirdly, no one wants malware.

4. SEO:

Fourthly, we’ll help get you traffic.

5. Website Recovery:

Fifthly, we can restore broken websites.

6. WordPress Development:

Sixthly, Let’s get into the PHP of things.

7. WordPress Design:

Seventhly, Wireframes, Adobe, Figma

8. Cool Photoshop Compositions:

Eighthly, I love my drawing tablet.

9. 24 Hour Support:

Ninthly, Dave might be cranky at 3 am, but he’ll still answer the phone.

10. Great to work with:

Finally, We are easy to get along with and are good with deadlines.



The algorithm seems to like this one so far so we’ll see how it plays out.

If you think your company or idea would be a good fit contact us or give us a call at 780-399-9116.

For up-to-date news and completed sites, you can always check out our Facebook


10 Features Every Small Business Website Should Include

10 Features Every Small Business Website Should Include

1.Website User-Friendly Navigation:
Ensure that your website is easy to navigate, with a clear menu structure that helps visitors find what they’re looking for quickly. UX that is inuitive will make sure your visitors find what they are looking for without getting lost along the way.

2.Compelling Homepage:
Make a lasting first impression with a visually appealing and informative homepage that clearly communicates your brand message.

3.Clear Calls to Action (CTAs):
Guide visitors on the actions you want them to take, whether it’s making a purchase, filling out a contact form, or subscribing to your newsletter.

4.Contact Information Accessibility:
Display your contact information prominently, including a physical address, phone number, and email, to build trust and facilitate communication.

5.Mobile Responsiveness:
With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure your website is optimized for various screen sizes, providing a seamless experience for users on smartphones and tablets.

6.Fast Loading Speed:
Optimize your website’s loading speed to keep visitors engaged. Slow websites can lead to high bounce rates and negatively impact SEO.

7.High-Quality Content:
Create valuable and relevant content that resonates with your target audience. This not only attracts visitors but also establishes your business as an authority in your industry.

8.Social Media Integration:
Connect your website to your social media profiles to enhance your online presence and encourage social sharing of your content.

9.Security Measures:
Implement security features, such as SSL certificates, to protect your website and the sensitive information of your visitors.

10.Analytics Integration:
Use tools like Google Analytics to track the performance of your website, understand user behavior, and make data-driven improvements.


Edmonton’s Guide to the Advantages of Responsive Web Design

Edmonton’s Guide to the Advantages of Responsive Web Design

In today’s digitally-driven Edmonton market, a robust online footprint is essential for local businesses. Given the vast variety of devices and screen sizes in play, ensuring a cohesive, user-centric experience can be daunting. This is where responsive web design (RWD) enters the scene—a solution tailored for crafting websites offering an optimal viewing experience, regardless of the device. For Edmonton businesses, it’s a non-negotiable.

1. Superior User Experience for Edmontonians

RWD ensures that users, whether they’re browsing from Downtown Edmonton or the River Valley, enjoy the best possible online experience. Websites adapting flawlessly to all screen sizes allow for easier reading, simplified navigation, and minimized resizing and scrolling.

2. Boosted SEO Performance for Local Searches

Search engines, including Google, prioritize mobile-adaptive websites. RWD is SEO-friendly, propelling your Edmonton web design to higher search ranks, thereby enhancing visibility to local searchers.

3. Surge in Mobile User Traffic

Over half of online traffic comes from mobile devices. In a bustling city like Edmonton, mobile-ready websites are essential. Leveraging RWD can attract the vast mobile audience in our city, amplifying site visits.

4. Quicker Website Load Times

Edmonton web designs harnessing RWD benefit from advanced performance strategies like caching and responsive imagery. This speeds up page loads—a boost to user experience and SEO alike.

5. Amplified Conversion Rates

A seamless design experience, regardless if accessed from an Edmonton Oilers game or the U of A campus, enhances user trust. This consistency across devices enhances engagement and fosters conversions.

6. Preparing for Tomorrow’s Tech

Edmonton’s tech landscape is dynamic. As newer devices emerge, a responsive website is primed to cater to them. Instead of modifying your website for each new device, RWD ensures adaptability to diverse screen sizes.

Responsive web design is beyond a fleeting trend—it’s a golden standard. By integrating RWD, Edmonton businesses can assure a consistent and captivating web experience, regardless of the accessing device. This strategy yields palpable rewards: stellar SEO rankings, cost-effectiveness, and elevated conversion rates. For Edmonton businesses, investing in RWD signifies cementing their digital future.

Edmonton Web Design: Understanding the Difference Between Design and Development

Edmonton Web Design: Understanding the Difference Between Design and Development

In the heart of Edmonton’s growing digital scene, web design and development stand out as two primary pillars of creating standout websites. While they often intersect, they have distinct roles. Let’s dive deeper into what each encompasses in the context of Edmonton’s vibrant digital community.

1. Crafting the Visual Experience: Web Design in Edmonton

Edmonton boasts a dynamic and diverse web design culture, reflecting its eclectic urban spirit. Web design in the city focuses on:

  • User Experience (UX): Designers in Edmonton prioritize the user’s journey, ensuring that every website feels intuitive and caters to local tastes and global standards.
  • User Interface (UI): Beyond the River Valley views, Edmonton’s websites need a visual appeal. That’s where UI designers come in, creating layouts that resonate with both the local community and wider audiences.
  • Graphic Design: Unique logos, images, and infographics become essential tools for Edmonton-based businesses and organizations aiming to leave a digital footprint.
  • Responsiveness: As Edmontonians switch between devices, from the downtown office desktops to smartphones in the LRT, ensuring a consistent web experience becomes paramount.

2. Bringing Designs to Life: Web Development in Edmonton

With a design blueprint ready, Edmonton’s web developers rise to the challenge, transforming static visuals into dynamic platforms:

  • Front-end Development: Developers use the latest techniques in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure every site is a mirror reflection of the designer’s vision while providing a seamless user experience.
  • Back-end Development: Behind every great website in Edmonton is a robust back-end structure. From crafting databases to ensuring servers run smoothly, developers work to keep the digital heart of the city beating.

Collaboration: Edmonton’s Web Creation Spirit

Edmonton’s digital community thrives on collaboration. Designers and developers often come together, sharing insights over coffee at local cafes or in co-working spaces, ensuring that the final product is both beautiful and functional.

The relationship between web design and development is particularly fascinating when viewed through the lens of Edmonton’s evolving digital scene. As the city continues to grow, its digital community remains committed to delivering captivating online experiences that blend innovative design with robust functionality. When choosing a web company it is important to keep both in mind.

Web Design for Small Businesses in Edmonton: Why It Matters and How to Get It Right

Web Design for Small Businesses in Edmonton: Why It Matters and How to Get It Right

The business landscape in Edmonton, like many urban areas across Canada, is saturated with small businesses trying to make their mark. These businesses range from boutique shops on Whyte Avenue to local service providers dotted across the city. One thing that often separates successful small businesses from the rest is their online presence, specifically their website. In today’s digital age, having a robust and responsive website isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. If you’re a small business in Edmonton, here’s why you should prioritize web design and how you can get it right.

1. Why Web Design is Crucial for Small Businesses in Edmonton
  • Visibility in a Digital Age: Most consumers today start their buying journey online. If you don’t have a website or if your website is outdated, you’re missing out on a vast customer base.
  • Credibility and Professionalism: A sleek, user-friendly website gives the impression that you take your business seriously. It provides potential customers with a sense of trust and legitimacy about your operations.
  • Local SEO Advantage: With proper optimization, your Edmonton-based business can appear in local search results when potential customers are looking for services or products you offer.
2. Essential Web Design Tips for Small Businesses
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website looks and functions well on all devices, especially mobile phones and tablets.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Every page on your site should guide visitors towards taking an action, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, requesting a quote, or making a purchase.
  • Fast Load Times: Slow-loading websites can deter visitors. Optimize your site’s speed to ensure you don’t lose potential customers due to impatience.
  • Local SEO Optimization: Incorporate keywords related to Edmonton and your specific locality within the city. This will enhance your visibility when local customers search online.
3. Choosing the Right Edmonton Web Design Company

Not all web design companies are created equal, especially when catering to the unique needs of small businesses. When selecting a design partner in Edmonton:

  • Experience with Small Businesses: Choose a company familiar with the challenges and opportunities presented by the small business landscape.
  • Portfolio of Success: Ask for case studies or examples of past work, especially for businesses similar to yours.
  • Transparent Pricing: As a small business, you’re likely working with a limited budget. Ensure your web design company is upfront about costs and offers packages tailored to your needs.
  • Local Knowledge: An Edmonton-based company will have a better grasp of the local market and can optimize your site accordingly.

As a small business in Edmonton, having a professionally designed and optimized website isn’t just a good-to-have, it’s essential for survival and growth. By partnering with a reputable Edmonton web design company, you can ensure your online presence resonates with the local audience and stands out in the crowded digital marketplace.

Looking for an Edmonton web design company with a proven track record for small businesses? Get in touch with us today!

The Benefits Of A Web Re-Design for outdated Themes ForYour WordPress Site

The Benefits Of A Web Re-Design for outdated Themes ForYour WordPress Site


In the dynamic landscape of web design and development, there are times when incremental updates aren’t enough. Sometimes, your website needs a comprehensive overhaul—a complete re-theme. While this might seem like a daunting prospect, there are numerous advantages to taking the leap. Let’s explore the benefits of a complete re-theme for your WordPress site.

1. Modern and Refreshed Look

A new theme offers a fresh and contemporary appearance. Just as fashion evolves, so do website design trends. A re-theme ensures your website aligns with current aesthetics, leaving a positive and lasting impression on visitors.

2. Enhanced User Experience

Newer themes are typically built with the latest UX principles in mind. This means intuitive navigation, streamlined layouts, and optimized mobile responsiveness. A re-theme can significantly elevate the user experience, ensuring visitors find what they’re looking for with ease.

3. Improved Performance

Modern themes are generally optimized for speed and performance. Faster load times, smoother transitions, and efficient coding can lead to better SEO rankings and a more pleasant browsing experience for your users.

4. Better Compatibility with Latest Technologies

A new theme will be developed with the latest web technologies and standards in mind. This means better compatibility with new plugins, improved integration possibilities, and smoother operation on the latest browser versions.

5. Optimized for Mobile

With the vast majority of web traffic now coming from mobile devices, a mobile-responsive website is non-negotiable. Modern themes prioritize mobile optimization, ensuring your site looks and functions flawlessly across all device types.

6. Customization and Flexibility

Newer themes often come with more customization options, providing flexibility in design and functionality. You can tailor your site to your brand’s unique needs and identity more effectively.

7. Improved Security

New themes are more likely to adhere to the latest coding standards and best practices for web security. This reduces vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors, making your website safer for both you and your visitors.

8. SEO Boost

Many modern themes are designed with SEO in mind. They come with cleaner codes, faster performance, and better schema integration, all of which can significantly improve your site’s visibility in search engine results.

9. Streamlined Maintenance

By switching to a newer theme, you might find that it’s easier to update and maintain. With better coding standards and documentation, you can ensure your site remains in top shape with less hassle.

10. Competitive Edge

In the business realm, staying ahead of competitors is crucial. A re-theme can provide a distinct competitive advantage by showcasing your brand as innovative, current, and attuned to the latest digital standards.

While a complete re-theme demands time, effort, and investment, the long-term benefits make it a worthy endeavor. Whether you’re aiming to strengthen your brand image, improve user experience, or boost your SEO rankings, a fresh theme can propel your website to new heights. Remember, in the digital age, your website is often the first touchpoint for customers. Make sure it stands out, impresses, and serves its purpose seamlessly.